Tel: 603 7930 Fax: 625 5750

The Finance Department is headed by the Financial Controller Mr. M. N Rungasamy which is comprised of the following sections:

  1. Income
  2. Expenditure
  3. Accounts
  4. Pay Administration
  5. Store and purchasing

The functions of the Finance Department include amongst others:

  • Delivery of programmes as laid down in the Programme Based Budget (PBB)
  • Ensure sound financial control
  • Preparation of salary and other benefits
  • Financial Administration
  • Collection of Local rates and other fees
  • Budget Preparation of the Council
  • Ensure that the resources allocated to the Departments are used judiciously
  • Payment to suppliers for goods and services
  • Collection of Revenue including arrears
  • Close monitoring of expenditure
  • Undertaking purchases for the Council